Artist's Statement

Art Was My Destiny
I have been (and will be) an artist all my life. With a grandfather that was a noted sculpture and art professor in Iowa and New York City, I knew from a very early age that it was inevitable that I would be an artist in some kind. I have worked with many different materials, including pen and ink, water color, acrylic, ceramics, fabric, and computers. I received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Design from UCLA, and then went on to spend 25 years in graphic design for advertising and marketing, specializing in logo design and corporate identity for some large companies, including Domino’s Pizza, Life Fitness and the Legend Group.
Opportunity Comes Knocking in Strange Ways
In 2004, the chalk bug bit me, and bit me hard. I began street painting as a fun activity to do with my two talented daughters. We discovered we loved it, and were really good at it. After a couple of years, I started to receive offers to do street painting for special events, and I realized this could possibly be a way to make a living. In 2009, I was laid off from my full-time graphic design position due to the tanking economy. I took the opportunity to begin my business, Amazing Street Painting, as a special event street painter/chalk artist. I have won many awards for my unique style of chalking, and now travel all over the United States and the world to create these custom pieces of art. In 2011, I received my Maestro Certification from the Florida Chalk Artists Association, which certifies that I am a full-fledged master of chalk art.
The Hands of An Angel
I like to stretch myself by trying many different styles, including the reproductions of everything from traditional Italian masterpieces to American Masters like Rockwell and Leyendecker, 3D anamorphic art, custom advertising pieces and interactive art. Every surface is different and presents it’s own challenges. I enjoy the interaction with the crowd and sharing this art form with all ages. It is a completely different experience than painting alone in a studio. When asked if I am sad that it won’t last, I respond that compared to a piece hanging in a gallery or home, which is seen by very few people, I can reach a much larger and broader audience with my street art. I was told I have the “hands of an angel” and have touched many people with the beauty and emotion the art evokes. It lives on not only in the memories of the people I’ve touched, but also in photos that they take and share, and takes on a life of it’s own.
Born in St. Joseph, Michigan in the early sixties, Jennifer Nichols was born into an artistic family. Her grandfather, Harry E. Stinson, was a recognized Sculptor, Painter and Art Professor at the University of Iowa and Hunter College in New York City. Click the link below to the The Winfield Historical Society site for information on her grandfather, Harry Stinson, and his art. Jennifer's formal art training started in high school, and she began to accumulate awards and sell her early watercolor paintings.
Later, Jennifer attended UCLA, graduating with a degree in Design, focusing on costume & clothing design. She continued to pursue painting while working in advertising and raising her two daughters in Dayton, Ohio. Jennifer' work was exhibited at various galleries and events in Ohio between 1992 - 1999. She also was very involved with the Dayton Visual Arts Center, serving as their president and as a board member and contributing artist.
In 1999, she moved to Palm Beach, Florida. In 2004, Jennifer and her daughters began participating in the Street Painting Festival in Lake Worth, Florida, which is the largest street painting event in the United States, attracting 100,000 visitors each year. Jennifer and her daughters have worked together on several large works over the years since. She received her Semplice Professional Certification in 2009 and her Qualificato Certification in 2010, and her Maestro Certification in 2011 from the FCAA. In 2012, Jennifer founded the International Street Painting Society, as a way to help other street artists connect and be more successful, and help street painting be seen as a legitimate art form.
Jennifer's work shows a unique talent for capturing faces and expressions. By working to duplicate the colors and shading of the original art, Jennifer creates stunning pieces. The 3D anamorphic art is mind-boggling and in high demand. Using soft pastel chalk and tempera paint on pavement or concrete surfaces, these large works of art are washed away after each event. Jennifer's philosophy is that street painting is as much about the performance and execution, as it is about the art. The immediacy and challenges of the "canvas", weather and medium make each piece special and unique. Usually over the course of 2 days, each piece comes to life before your eyes. Constantly looking for new challenges, she is open to new materials and processes, and will chalk on just about anything. She also has expanded into creating permanent murals and public art installations.
In addition to the chalk art, Jennifer has done work in a variety of media such as pen & ink, watercolor, acrylic, gouache, ceramics and fiber, and freelances as a graphic designer, specializing in logos, advertising & marketing materials and websites.
Click here to download a pdf of my artist's bio.
I have been (and will be) an artist all my life. With a grandfather that was a noted sculpture and art professor in Iowa and New York City, I knew from a very early age that it was inevitable that I would be an artist in some kind. I have worked with many different materials, including pen and ink, water color, acrylic, ceramics, fabric, and computers. I received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Design from UCLA, and then went on to spend 25 years in graphic design for advertising and marketing, specializing in logo design and corporate identity for some large companies, including Domino’s Pizza, Life Fitness and the Legend Group.
Opportunity Comes Knocking in Strange Ways
In 2004, the chalk bug bit me, and bit me hard. I began street painting as a fun activity to do with my two talented daughters. We discovered we loved it, and were really good at it. After a couple of years, I started to receive offers to do street painting for special events, and I realized this could possibly be a way to make a living. In 2009, I was laid off from my full-time graphic design position due to the tanking economy. I took the opportunity to begin my business, Amazing Street Painting, as a special event street painter/chalk artist. I have won many awards for my unique style of chalking, and now travel all over the United States and the world to create these custom pieces of art. In 2011, I received my Maestro Certification from the Florida Chalk Artists Association, which certifies that I am a full-fledged master of chalk art.
The Hands of An Angel
I like to stretch myself by trying many different styles, including the reproductions of everything from traditional Italian masterpieces to American Masters like Rockwell and Leyendecker, 3D anamorphic art, custom advertising pieces and interactive art. Every surface is different and presents it’s own challenges. I enjoy the interaction with the crowd and sharing this art form with all ages. It is a completely different experience than painting alone in a studio. When asked if I am sad that it won’t last, I respond that compared to a piece hanging in a gallery or home, which is seen by very few people, I can reach a much larger and broader audience with my street art. I was told I have the “hands of an angel” and have touched many people with the beauty and emotion the art evokes. It lives on not only in the memories of the people I’ve touched, but also in photos that they take and share, and takes on a life of it’s own.
Born in St. Joseph, Michigan in the early sixties, Jennifer Nichols was born into an artistic family. Her grandfather, Harry E. Stinson, was a recognized Sculptor, Painter and Art Professor at the University of Iowa and Hunter College in New York City. Click the link below to the The Winfield Historical Society site for information on her grandfather, Harry Stinson, and his art. Jennifer's formal art training started in high school, and she began to accumulate awards and sell her early watercolor paintings.
Later, Jennifer attended UCLA, graduating with a degree in Design, focusing on costume & clothing design. She continued to pursue painting while working in advertising and raising her two daughters in Dayton, Ohio. Jennifer' work was exhibited at various galleries and events in Ohio between 1992 - 1999. She also was very involved with the Dayton Visual Arts Center, serving as their president and as a board member and contributing artist.
In 1999, she moved to Palm Beach, Florida. In 2004, Jennifer and her daughters began participating in the Street Painting Festival in Lake Worth, Florida, which is the largest street painting event in the United States, attracting 100,000 visitors each year. Jennifer and her daughters have worked together on several large works over the years since. She received her Semplice Professional Certification in 2009 and her Qualificato Certification in 2010, and her Maestro Certification in 2011 from the FCAA. In 2012, Jennifer founded the International Street Painting Society, as a way to help other street artists connect and be more successful, and help street painting be seen as a legitimate art form.
Jennifer's work shows a unique talent for capturing faces and expressions. By working to duplicate the colors and shading of the original art, Jennifer creates stunning pieces. The 3D anamorphic art is mind-boggling and in high demand. Using soft pastel chalk and tempera paint on pavement or concrete surfaces, these large works of art are washed away after each event. Jennifer's philosophy is that street painting is as much about the performance and execution, as it is about the art. The immediacy and challenges of the "canvas", weather and medium make each piece special and unique. Usually over the course of 2 days, each piece comes to life before your eyes. Constantly looking for new challenges, she is open to new materials and processes, and will chalk on just about anything. She also has expanded into creating permanent murals and public art installations.
In addition to the chalk art, Jennifer has done work in a variety of media such as pen & ink, watercolor, acrylic, gouache, ceramics and fiber, and freelances as a graphic designer, specializing in logos, advertising & marketing materials and websites.
Click here to download a pdf of my artist's bio.
Biographical Data
- Marketing Manager - Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, Boulder, CO - 3/23 to present
- Lead Artist - Trader Joe's, Boulder, CO - 12/19 to 5/23
- Director of Communications - Lighthouse ArtCenter, Tequesta, FL - 9/16 to 8/19
- Director - International Street Painting Society, Denver, CO - 7/12 to present
- Creative Director - design for the future/Amazing Street Painting, Denver, CO - 7/94 to present
- Communications & Events Coordinator - Town of Jupiter, Jupiter, FL - 12/10 to 7/16
- Senior Graphic Designer - The Legend Group, Palm Beach Gardens, FL - 5/08 - 12/08
- Graphic Design Supervisor - Life Fitness, Inc., Irvine, CA - 7/87 to 7/92
- Art Director/Graphic Designer - Domino's Pizza World Headquarters, Ann Arbor, MI - 2/85 to 6/87
- Graphic Designer - ASUCLA Advertising & Communications Department, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA - 10/82 to 6/84
- Freelance Designer - Variety Arts, Inc., New York, NY - 11/83 to 6/86
BA in Design (1984) University of California, Los Angeles. Classes included Graphic Design, Photography, Color, Clothing & Textile Design, Industrial Design, Video and a minor in English Literature.
Member Florida Chalk Artists Association (FCAA)/Chalk Art Nation 2009-present
First Place Pastels on 5th - Loveland, Colorado - 2019
First Place in 3D Category - International Street Art Festival, Wilhelmshaven, Germany - 2017 (first American woman to win at this event)
Winner of CANVAS WPB Local Showdown - West Palm Beach, Florida - 2016
Second Place - Back Alley Mural Festival - Tequesta, Florida - 2016
Second Place - Madonnari Arts Festival - Baltimore, Maryland - 2016
Third Place in 3D Category -International Street Art Festival - Wilhelmshaven, Germany - 2015 (First American to win at this event)
Publikumspreis Overseas Special Award (People's Choice Award) - International Street Art Festival - Sogel, Germany - 2014
People's Choice Award - Gesso Italiano - San Diego, CA, USA - 2013
People's Choice Award - Marietta Chalk Fest - Marietta, GA, USA - 2013
Best in Show - Clearwater Beachwalk Chalk Festival, FL, USA - 2012
Best Professional - Chalk it Up For Art - Coral Springs, FL, USA - 2012
FCAA Certification - Maestro (highest) Level Awarded - 2011
Best Reproduction of an American Master & FCAA Artist's Choice Award, Disney/FCAA Festival of the Masters, Orlando, FL, USA - 2011
Best Portrait Award, Haines City Street Painting Festival, Haines City, FL, USA - 2011
Best Theme Award, Puppetfest, Boca Raton, FL, USA - 2011
Best Portraiture/Figurative Award, Disney/FCAA Festival of the Masters, Orlando, FL, USA - 2010
FCAA Certification - Qualificato Level Awarded - 2010
Artist's Choice Award, ArtHaus Street Painting Festival, Port Orange, FL, USA - 2010
Best in Show Award, Haines City Street Painting Festival, Haines City, FL, USA - 2010
FCAA Certification - Semplice Level Awarded 2009
Best Theme Award - ArtHaus Street Painting Festival, Port Orange, FL, USA - 2009
Best of Shoe Award, Ink Drawing - Shoe Show, Santa Clara Arts District, Dayton, OH - 1993
UCLA Spring Student Show - Los Angeles, California - 1983 & 1984
Clairemont Art Guild Student Merit Award - San Diego, CA, USA - 1980
First Place Watercolor - Southern California Exposition, San Diego, CA, USA - 1980
Featured Artist & Consultant, "Chalktoberfest", Marietta, GA, 2013-2023
Featured Artist & Consultant, "Kansas City Chalk & Walk", Kansas City, MO, 2014 & 2015
Featured Artist & Consultant, "Chalk About It", Dayton, OH, 2015 & 2016
Featured Artist, "Feast of Little Italy", Jupiter, FL, 2011 & 2012 & "Taste of Little Italy", Port St. Lucie, FL 2012 & 2013
Featured Artist, "Jupiter Jubilee", 2011-2016
Featured Artist, National Harvest Festival, Silver Dollar City, Branson, MO, 2011
Featured Artist, "Chalk Festival", Dun Laoghaire, Ireland, 2011
Featured Artist, "Cityfolk Festival", Dayton, OH, 2011
Featured Artist, "Colors of Willemstad", Curacao, Dutch Antilles, 2011 & 2012
Featured Artist, Consultant & Judge, "Chalk It Up For Art", Coral Springs Museum of Art, FL, 2011
Judge, "Artigras" Fine Art Show, Jupiter, FL, 2010-2011
Featured Artist, "Lake Worth Street Painting Festival", Lake Worth, FL, 2004-2024
C O R P O R A T E & P R I V A T E C O L L E C T I O N S
2023 - Murals - "We Are Buffalo All" & "Best of the Best" Southeast High School, Wichita, Kansas
2022 - Murals - Permanent 3D sidewalk murals, "Wild Water Neighbors", Broomfield, Colorado
2022 - Mural - Trader Joe's Boulder #301, Boulder, Colorado
2021 - Mural - Boulder Strong, Pearl & 30th, Boulder, Colorado
2020 - Mural - Flowers, Private Home, Arvada, Colorado
2020 - Murals - Three 3D permanent street murals, Santa Fe Arts District, Denver, Colorado
2019 - Mural - "Wild Neighbors" Town of Lyons, Colorado
2019 - Mural – “Tropical Flowers” Private Home, Hobe Sound, Florida
2019 - Mural – “Under the Sea II” The Breakers Hotel, Palm Beach, Florida
2019 - Mural – “Rooftop Scene” Private Home, Singer Island, Florida
2018 - Mural – “Tropical Beach” and “Under the Sea I” The Breakers Hotel, Palm Beach, Florida
2018 - Murals - Permanent sidewalk murals, “Tiger Stripes” Jerry Thomas Elementary School, Jupiter, Florida
2017 - Mural – “Stars & Stripes” Amvets Meeting Hall, Hobe Sound, Florida
2017 - Mural – “Poolside Landscape” Private Home, Hobe Sound, Florida
2017 - Mural – “Chalk Goddess” Lighthouse ArtCenter, Tequesta, Florida
2017 - Mural – “Wings of Unity” CANVAS Outdoor Museum, Lake Worth, Florida
2017 - Outside Floor 3D Mural – Zing Miami Restaurant, Wynwood, Miami, Florida
2016 - Mural - “Life” Lake Worth Street Painting Festival, Lake Worth, Florida
2016 - Mural - "Dolphin Portal" Back Alley Mural Festival, Tequesta, Florida
2016 - Mural – “Connections” CANVAS Outdoor Museum, West Palm Beach, Florida
2016 - Mural – “Race Horses in the Garage” Private Home, Jupiter, Florida
2014 - Mural – “WPA Art for the Masses” Boynton Beach, Florida
2014 - Mural - Panther Run Elementary School, Lake Worth, Florida
2014 - Mural - "Peace Dove" - Marstall Clemenswerth, Sogel, Germany
2013 - Mural - Stage Left Mural Project - Boynton Beach Florida
2013 - Mural – 9 Arch Mural Project - Lake Worth, Florida
2012 - Mural - Private Collection, acrylic mural in private residence
2012 - Amy & Chuck Dinklenburg, acrylic on canvas “After Monet”
2009 - John & Barbara Hornyak, acrylic on canvas “Barbara with Nieces at the Beach”
1998 - Hamilton Dixon, watercolor “Dancers with Heart”
1996 - Lion Apparel Corporation, Linen Fiber Art “Boxed In”
1994 - Cathy Black, watercolor “Grecian Column Dress” & “Grecian Short Dress”
1979 - Private Collection, watercolor “Dancing Butterflies”
1978 - Private Collection, watercolor “Sandcastle”
- Lead Artist - Trader Joe's, Boulder, CO - 12/19 to 5/23
- Director of Communications - Lighthouse ArtCenter, Tequesta, FL - 9/16 to 8/19
- Director - International Street Painting Society, Denver, CO - 7/12 to present
- Creative Director - design for the future/Amazing Street Painting, Denver, CO - 7/94 to present
- Communications & Events Coordinator - Town of Jupiter, Jupiter, FL - 12/10 to 7/16
- Senior Graphic Designer - The Legend Group, Palm Beach Gardens, FL - 5/08 - 12/08
- Graphic Design Supervisor - Life Fitness, Inc., Irvine, CA - 7/87 to 7/92
- Art Director/Graphic Designer - Domino's Pizza World Headquarters, Ann Arbor, MI - 2/85 to 6/87
- Graphic Designer - ASUCLA Advertising & Communications Department, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA - 10/82 to 6/84
- Freelance Designer - Variety Arts, Inc., New York, NY - 11/83 to 6/86
BA in Design (1984) University of California, Los Angeles. Classes included Graphic Design, Photography, Color, Clothing & Textile Design, Industrial Design, Video and a minor in English Literature.
Member Florida Chalk Artists Association (FCAA)/Chalk Art Nation 2009-present
First Place Pastels on 5th - Loveland, Colorado - 2019
First Place in 3D Category - International Street Art Festival, Wilhelmshaven, Germany - 2017 (first American woman to win at this event)
Winner of CANVAS WPB Local Showdown - West Palm Beach, Florida - 2016
Second Place - Back Alley Mural Festival - Tequesta, Florida - 2016
Second Place - Madonnari Arts Festival - Baltimore, Maryland - 2016
Third Place in 3D Category -International Street Art Festival - Wilhelmshaven, Germany - 2015 (First American to win at this event)
Publikumspreis Overseas Special Award (People's Choice Award) - International Street Art Festival - Sogel, Germany - 2014
People's Choice Award - Gesso Italiano - San Diego, CA, USA - 2013
People's Choice Award - Marietta Chalk Fest - Marietta, GA, USA - 2013
Best in Show - Clearwater Beachwalk Chalk Festival, FL, USA - 2012
Best Professional - Chalk it Up For Art - Coral Springs, FL, USA - 2012
FCAA Certification - Maestro (highest) Level Awarded - 2011
Best Reproduction of an American Master & FCAA Artist's Choice Award, Disney/FCAA Festival of the Masters, Orlando, FL, USA - 2011
Best Portrait Award, Haines City Street Painting Festival, Haines City, FL, USA - 2011
Best Theme Award, Puppetfest, Boca Raton, FL, USA - 2011
Best Portraiture/Figurative Award, Disney/FCAA Festival of the Masters, Orlando, FL, USA - 2010
FCAA Certification - Qualificato Level Awarded - 2010
Artist's Choice Award, ArtHaus Street Painting Festival, Port Orange, FL, USA - 2010
Best in Show Award, Haines City Street Painting Festival, Haines City, FL, USA - 2010
FCAA Certification - Semplice Level Awarded 2009
Best Theme Award - ArtHaus Street Painting Festival, Port Orange, FL, USA - 2009
Best of Shoe Award, Ink Drawing - Shoe Show, Santa Clara Arts District, Dayton, OH - 1993
UCLA Spring Student Show - Los Angeles, California - 1983 & 1984
Clairemont Art Guild Student Merit Award - San Diego, CA, USA - 1980
First Place Watercolor - Southern California Exposition, San Diego, CA, USA - 1980
Featured Artist & Consultant, "Chalktoberfest", Marietta, GA, 2013-2023
Featured Artist & Consultant, "Kansas City Chalk & Walk", Kansas City, MO, 2014 & 2015
Featured Artist & Consultant, "Chalk About It", Dayton, OH, 2015 & 2016
Featured Artist, "Feast of Little Italy", Jupiter, FL, 2011 & 2012 & "Taste of Little Italy", Port St. Lucie, FL 2012 & 2013
Featured Artist, "Jupiter Jubilee", 2011-2016
Featured Artist, National Harvest Festival, Silver Dollar City, Branson, MO, 2011
Featured Artist, "Chalk Festival", Dun Laoghaire, Ireland, 2011
Featured Artist, "Cityfolk Festival", Dayton, OH, 2011
Featured Artist, "Colors of Willemstad", Curacao, Dutch Antilles, 2011 & 2012
Featured Artist, Consultant & Judge, "Chalk It Up For Art", Coral Springs Museum of Art, FL, 2011
Judge, "Artigras" Fine Art Show, Jupiter, FL, 2010-2011
Featured Artist, "Lake Worth Street Painting Festival", Lake Worth, FL, 2004-2024
C O R P O R A T E & P R I V A T E C O L L E C T I O N S
2023 - Murals - "We Are Buffalo All" & "Best of the Best" Southeast High School, Wichita, Kansas
2022 - Murals - Permanent 3D sidewalk murals, "Wild Water Neighbors", Broomfield, Colorado
2022 - Mural - Trader Joe's Boulder #301, Boulder, Colorado
2021 - Mural - Boulder Strong, Pearl & 30th, Boulder, Colorado
2020 - Mural - Flowers, Private Home, Arvada, Colorado
2020 - Murals - Three 3D permanent street murals, Santa Fe Arts District, Denver, Colorado
2019 - Mural - "Wild Neighbors" Town of Lyons, Colorado
2019 - Mural – “Tropical Flowers” Private Home, Hobe Sound, Florida
2019 - Mural – “Under the Sea II” The Breakers Hotel, Palm Beach, Florida
2019 - Mural – “Rooftop Scene” Private Home, Singer Island, Florida
2018 - Mural – “Tropical Beach” and “Under the Sea I” The Breakers Hotel, Palm Beach, Florida
2018 - Murals - Permanent sidewalk murals, “Tiger Stripes” Jerry Thomas Elementary School, Jupiter, Florida
2017 - Mural – “Stars & Stripes” Amvets Meeting Hall, Hobe Sound, Florida
2017 - Mural – “Poolside Landscape” Private Home, Hobe Sound, Florida
2017 - Mural – “Chalk Goddess” Lighthouse ArtCenter, Tequesta, Florida
2017 - Mural – “Wings of Unity” CANVAS Outdoor Museum, Lake Worth, Florida
2017 - Outside Floor 3D Mural – Zing Miami Restaurant, Wynwood, Miami, Florida
2016 - Mural - “Life” Lake Worth Street Painting Festival, Lake Worth, Florida
2016 - Mural - "Dolphin Portal" Back Alley Mural Festival, Tequesta, Florida
2016 - Mural – “Connections” CANVAS Outdoor Museum, West Palm Beach, Florida
2016 - Mural – “Race Horses in the Garage” Private Home, Jupiter, Florida
2014 - Mural – “WPA Art for the Masses” Boynton Beach, Florida
2014 - Mural - Panther Run Elementary School, Lake Worth, Florida
2014 - Mural - "Peace Dove" - Marstall Clemenswerth, Sogel, Germany
2013 - Mural - Stage Left Mural Project - Boynton Beach Florida
2013 - Mural – 9 Arch Mural Project - Lake Worth, Florida
2012 - Mural - Private Collection, acrylic mural in private residence
2012 - Amy & Chuck Dinklenburg, acrylic on canvas “After Monet”
2009 - John & Barbara Hornyak, acrylic on canvas “Barbara with Nieces at the Beach”
1998 - Hamilton Dixon, watercolor “Dancers with Heart”
1996 - Lion Apparel Corporation, Linen Fiber Art “Boxed In”
1994 - Cathy Black, watercolor “Grecian Column Dress” & “Grecian Short Dress”
1979 - Private Collection, watercolor “Dancing Butterflies”
1978 - Private Collection, watercolor “Sandcastle”